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Archives of Historical Documents


Doctrine of Discovery 1493

A California Pilgrimage

Diocese of California Journal 1872 (Partial)

Diocese of California Quarter Century 1915-1940


The Doctrine of Discovery, 1493

A Spotlight on a Primary Source by Pope Alexander VI

Pope Alexander VI's Demarcation Bull, May 4, 1493. (Gilder Lehrman Collection)

The Papal Bull "Inter Caetera," issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4, 1493, played a central role in the Spanish conquest of the New World. The document supported Spain’s strategy to ensure its exclusive right to the lands discovered by Columbus the previous year. It established a demarcation line one hundred leagues west of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands and assigned Spain the exclusive right to acquire territorial possessions and to trade in all lands west of that line. All others were forbidden to approach the lands west of the line without special license from the rulers of Spain. This effectively gave Spain a monopoly on the lands in the New World.




​A California Pilgrimage:

Being an Account of the Observance of the Sixty-Fifth Anniversary

of Bishop Kip's First Missionary Journey Through the San Joaquin Valley,

Together with Bishop Kip's Own Story of the Events Commemorated

William Ingraham Kip

Louis Child's Sanford, Bishop of San Joaquin

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Diocese of California

Source: Journal of Diocesan Convention May 1 & 2, 1872

Trinity Church SF


College of St. Augustine for Boys, College or St. Mary’s for Girls, Benicia


Directory of Churches 1872 by county in what will be formed the Diocese of El Camino Real (1979)


Santa Clara

San Jose’ Trinity Church

The Rev. George W. Foote, Rector

Delegates to Convention:

J. W. Hammond (architect of the church building), George Lendrum, D. S. Payne (Payne Ave named after him

J.H.M. Thownsend, John Britton


J.W. Hammondx DS. Payen, Geor Lendrum, James Hart, BJ Rhodes, John M. Townsend, DL Blanchard

Santa Clara Free Church of the Holy Savior (disbanded in 1935)

The Rev. Giles A Easton, Rector

The Rev. James McElroy, (New) Rector


N. Cook, S. Veach, J. Dille, JR Laurie, GM Brown, JR Johnson, C Peebels, James Miller

Church School for Girls, Rose Cottage, Santa Clara


Cary Peebels, James Gauley, J.S. Dilley

St. Philip’s (colored) Mission - (1863-1875)

The Rev. P. W. Cassey, Deacon

P.W. Cassey at San Francisco (Founded 1871 Christ Church)

St. Stephen’s, Gilroy Missionaries

E.C. Cowan at Gilroy

St. Stephen’s Parish School started August 1872

Santa Cruz

Calvary Church (Savior), Santa Cruz


Horce Gushee, B. C. Gadsby, G.P. Laird, W.F. Peabody, Joseph Boston


Joseph Bostson, BC Gadsby, J Boston, Edmund Joens, WG Hay, GeorpLad

Watsonville - missionary work reported

The Diocese of California: A Quarter Century 1915-1940

by Edward Lambe Parson, Bishop of California

Churches in the Convocation of San Jose (San Mateo to Arroyo Grande in 1915) that now comprise the Diocese of El Camino Real (founding dates are needed)

Arroyo Grande, St. Barnabas 1916 Rev. AC Dodd

Atascadero, Unorganized Mission – Rev WM Ford

Capitola, St. John the Baptist, 1916 Cathedral Staff 1918 Rev. CO Tillotson

Carmel, All Saints, 1917 Rev. HH Gillies

Del Monte, St. John’s 1920 Rev. G.M. Gutting

Gilroy, 1916 Rev. William Higgs

Hollister, St, Luke’s 1916 Rev. Clement King

Jolon, St Luke’s Rev EA McGowan

King City, St. Mark’s 1916 Rev EA McGowan

Los Gatos, St. Luke’s 1916 Rev. Ralph Bray

Pacific Grove, St. Mary’s Rev FG Williams

Palo Alto, All Saints, 1916 David Evans

Paso Robles, St. James 1917 Rev Bayard H Jones

Salina, St. Paul’s 1916 WA McGowan

San Ardo, Christ Church Mission, Rev WA McGowan

San Jose,

Christ Church Mission, Rev AL Mitchel

Trinity N(1861), Rev. Halsey Werlein, Jr, Rev ET Brown, ass

San Luis Obispo, St. Stephen’s Rev. CHL Chandler

San Miguel, St. John’s Mission Rev. EA McGowan

Santa Clara, Church of Our Savior, CA Mainwaring, Lay Reader, 1919 Rev John A Collins

Santa Cruz, Calvary, Rev. EH McCollister

Sunnyvale, St. Thomas’, Rev AWN Porter

Watsonville, All Saints, Rev. Charles L. Thackeray



Beach at Sunset
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