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Church summit deeply explores truth-telling and reckoning with eye toward reparations

3 days ago

1 min read



[Episcopal News Service – Alexandria, Virginia] The Rev. Lindsey Ardrey grew up among storytellers, but there were some stories the elders and the matriarchs didn’t want to tell, stories about harm and systems of oppression whispered to one another in hushed tones.  


Ardrey shared her childhood memories with nearly 100 people representing 34 dioceses at the Sept. 19-21 Summit on Truth-telling and Reparations. It was an opportunity for Episcopal leaders to share strategies, best practices and resources and to pray for and encourage one another in their work.


“Because we are the church of the enslaved and enslaver, the Indigenous people and the colonizer, we are here to tell these stories in non-hushed tones,” Ardrey, the Diocese of North Carolina’s missioner for reparations and restitution ministries, told them.


The Episcopal Church’s Department of Reconciliation, Justice and Creation Care hosted the gathering for Episcopal lay and clergy leaders engaged in truth-telling and reparations ministries with support from the Office of African Descent Ministries and Virginia Theological Seminary, where the summit took place

3 days ago

1 min read



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